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August 24, 2022 in Twopager

SIGN8 – a comprehensive, flexible, and legally binding e-signature solution

Application Development, Digital Processes
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SIGN8 – a comprehensive, flexible, and legally binding e-signature solution

Many companies in Germany still manually sign and process important documents.

This leads to high process costs, a high susceptibility to errors, a lack of transparency, and long processing times. With the certified e-signature solution from SIGN8, these problems are a matter of the past. In addition, SIGN8 offers you other helpful functions, such as contact imports and template gallery.


In 66% of German companies, work processes come to a standstill due to delays in obtaining signatures. 20% of companies see a connection between the duration of the signature process and the failure to reach a business agreement. In other words:
The longer a signature process takes, the less likely it is to be signed.

Furthermore, signature processes are often error-prone due to a lack of visibility and transparency, leading to increased processing efforts and, consequently, higher process


The solution to this problem is the electronic signature
(“e-signature”) provided by SIGN8. With this, you can digitally sign PDF files in a legally binding way. SIGN8 offers numerous features to support you in the signature process, making it easy to switch from manual signatures to SIGN8. The user is guided through the entire process, which means that no
training is required. If you do have any questions, there is a comprehensive Wikipedia and a contact form available. In addition, the change is facilitated by practical features such as a contact import. Another time-saving feature is the template gallery, which allows you to send standard documents
even faster. If a large number of documents need to be sent simultaneously, you can also use SIGN8’s bulk feature here. Send
You can send a template to as many recipients as you like with just one click. SIGN8 also offers extensive white-labeling so that the solution integrates perfectly with your corporate identity (CI).

At a glance

  • Fast integration and clear structure
  • Full flexibility and an unlimited free development environment
  • No own certification necessary
  • Highest demands on safety
  • Can be integrated into any system


In addition to a clear, comprehensive, and flexible document management system, SIGN8 offers a signature solution in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation. As a result, the signatures have a high level of security and are legally binding. SIGN8 accelerates your document workflows, saves costs, and contributes to the digitization of your business.

Why H&

Our extensive experience in digitalization and BI projects equips us at H& with the necessary knowledge, technical language, and expertise from both the business and IT sectors. As an external partner, we can objectively conduct requirement and inventory assessments and, based on these, work with all stakeholders to develop customized solutions. Our knowledge and experience enable our team to quickly change perspectives, which benefits you when translating your business requirements and goals into a technically implementable solution. We would also be glad to train your employees so they can act independently in the future. Shape your digital future with us as your partner!

For more information, please visit the SIGN8 website or download the PDF above.

Contact SIGN8 GmbH


T: +49 (0)89 2153 7472 000

1. Upload document

Simply upload the document you want to sign with a legally binding signature in your browser.

2. Define addressees

In the second step, you determine who should sign in what order and at which location in the document.

3. Set signatures

The recipients are notified via email that their signature is required. This is placed online in the document.

4. Dissemination and archive

After the signatures are complete, it is sent to the necessary locations and archived. The current status can be viewed at any time.

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H& GmbH

Max-Joseph-Str. 6

80333 München



H& GmbH

Rosenstr. 2

26122 Oldenburg


T +49 (0)89 2153 6232 010