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August 24, 2022 in Twopager

SIGN8 – a comprehensive, flexible, and legally binding e-signature solution

Application Development, Digital Processes
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Make efficient decisions through structured planning

Sustainable growth is the goal of nearly all companies. However, the original planning processes often cannot keep up with the increased complexity and both the time required and the high proportion of manual work actively prevent growth. Sub-planning is not integrated with each other and there is a lack of transparency in order to understand what is happening in the other areas of the company.


Decisions in large companies take place in separate silos. This means that different teams use their own planning and communication tools, and it’s nearly impossible for outsiders to trace individual processes and gain insight into the workflows. Interdepartmental communication often takes place via emails, and data records are exchanged, leading to different versions of data sets.

Data that is passed around lacks the necessary security required for confidential information, and the levels of knowledge in different areas of the company vary. Therefore, integrating the strategy of finance with operations would be impossible and the desired growth would become a long-term problem.


With the help of our strong partners, Board and SAP Analytics Cloud, and our feature-based planning approach, we can ensure that we always have the optimal planning and BI solution ready for you. Transform8 provides you with a comprehensive market overview and works with you to develop and implement planning tools and integrate sub-planning that was previously isolated. In this process, we incorporate tools such as SAP and Qlik to provide data for plan-versus-actual comparisons.


Well thought-out planning is indispensable for the growth of any business. Complexity and error susceptibility are reduced through integrated planning, and the time required is reduced. Comprehensive documentation of current and future processes creates transparency, and the implementation of workflows optimizes processes. Planning versions and scenario analysis can be easily created, and a clear and reliable authorization concept means that your data is always in the right hands.

Why H&

Our extensive experience in digitalization and BI projects equips us at H& with the necessary knowledge, technical language, and expertise from both the business and IT sectors. As an external partner, we can objectively conduct requirement and inventory assessments and, based on these, work with all stakeholders to develop customized solutions. Our knowledge and experience enable our team to quickly change perspectives, which benefits you when translating your business requirements and goals into a technically implementable solution. We would be glad to train your employees so they can act independently in the future. Shape your digital future with us as your partner!

Data entry

Technical support for data entry reduces workload and enhances planning quality.

Workflows & Collaboration in the Tool

Supporting the planning processes reduces administrative effort.

Scenarios & Simulations

User-friendly generation of multiple scenarios enables complex planning simulation.

Single Source of Truth

A unified data platform instead of many local files minimizes the risk of data loss and inaccuracy.

March 11, 2024 in Whitepaper

Whitepaper: Holistic Supply Chain Reporting

Change and Transformation Support
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H& GmbH

Max-Joseph-Str. 6

80333 München



H& GmbH

Rosenstr. 2

26122 Oldenburg


T +49 89 215 362 320