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August 24, 2022 in Twopager

SIGN8 – a comprehensive, flexible, and legally binding e-signature solution

Application Development, Digital Processes
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Harnessing Disruptive Changes & Opportunities with Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) has become an elementary component in com-
panies, the concept of which enables the systematic evaluation of data as well as profitable insights and forecasts. Nevertheless, BI is only used in a few companies. The issues related to BI implementation, such as lacking process transparency, insufficient data availability, or inflexible reporting systems, are often cited as challenges.


A lack of process transparency makes it impossible to pursue corporate goals in a targeted manner or to detect and rectify errors in process chains at an early stage before risks arise and potentials remain unused. The company is unable to check if the right key figures are being used for its analysis.

With an increasing number of heterogeneous data sources emerging, data availability is becoming a growing issue. Often, no
quick adaptation to new changes is possible through the use of older evaluation tools. The lack of a self-service BI solution severely limits the flexibility of reporting. The manual evaluation of data and reports also requires a lot of time. This results in a general “drowning” in data due to the exponential growth of data volume, which is exacerbated by the growing need for additional data capture, such as commenting in reports and planning.


We support you in selecting and implementing the right business intelligence system. We use software such as Tableau, SAP Analytics Cloud or solutions from the Qlik portfolio. The Qlik Insight Advisor, for example, makes it possible to automatically create new correlations from different data sources, and Qlik Data Integration makes it much easier to provide and evaluate data. With the right data management, it is therefore possible to develop simple self-service systems that also promote collaborative exchange between users.

At a glance

  • BI helps with the analysis of your corporate goals and processes
  • Creation of a self-service system that enables independent data analysis
  • Creation of “data transparency”
  • Long-term strategy for dealing with exponentially growing data volume


Business Intelligence provides your company with a better overview and enables a detailed analysis of business processes. This allows corporate goals to be tracked directly with appropriate KPIs and any errors to be quickly corrected before they can develop into a looming problem. BI helps your company to prepare for disruptive changes in an agile way, to use opportunities profitably and to reduce errors.

Why H&

With years of experience in digitalization and BI projects, we at H& are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge, technical jargon, and experience from both the business and IT sectors. As an external partner, we can objectively conduct requirement assessments and evaluations of your current setup. Based on this information, we work together with all stakeholders to develop customized solutions. Our knowledge and experience enable our team to quickly change perspectives, which benefits you when translating your business requirements and goals into a technically implementable solution. We are willing to train your employees to be able to act independently in the future. Shape your digital future with us as your partner!

Data Integration

Provide analysis-ready data centrally with modern real-time data marts


Enable your users to create reports and analyses independently, quickly, and easily.

Insight Advisor

Have simple charts automatically created by the Insight Advisor using a voice assistant.

K4 as a tool for integration

Integrate planning and data entry into your dashboards and leverage familiar spreadsheet interfaces.

March 11, 2024 in Whitepaper

Whitepaper: Holistic Supply Chain Reporting

Change and Transformation Support
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H& GmbH

Max-Joseph-Str. 6

80333 München



H& GmbH

Rosenstr. 2

26122 Oldenburg


T +49 89 215 362 320