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February 5, 2024 in News

The versatile simulation options of AnyLogic

Versatility of AnyLogic
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New possibilities by using modern data integration and streaming with Qlik from SAP S/4 Hana

Data streaming and integration are terms that are not typically associated with everyday life. However, even the use of health apps, such as those on the Apple Watch, or everyday applications like a weather app, rely on the generation of real-time data. This means that almost everyone comes into contact with data collections and their streaming in everyday life without even knowing it.
For businesses as well, this technology is essential to quickly and efficiently synchronize the ever-increasing amounts of data and make it available for analysis. Moreover, in a fast-moving market, data can lose a lot of value in a short period of time, so fast data collection and processing is also relevant. The optimal use of real-time data enables new business models, as the advantages, such as faster reaction times, the possibility to minimize disruptions or to prevent technical overload, not only saves time and costs, but can even create a competitive advantage. Due to the increasing digitization in the workplace, which generates ever-growing amounts of data that can lead to long loading times, technical burdens, and higher error rates, the implementation of powerful technology for rapid data collection and processing is increasingly in focus for companies to benefit from its advantages.

For efficient data integration, there are various Change Data Capture (CDC) methods, used for instance by Qlik, to select specific data from source systems and transfer it. Log-based CDC is preferably used, as it does not require any impact on a source system. In addition, the use of CDC offers significant advantages, such as the elimination of bulk updates, enabling real-time analytics, ensuring data consistency, and facilitating integration with cloud systems and stream processing solutions.
With the log-based CDC method, only the changes in data are transferred, resulting in improved performance and reduced costs for the company when using cloud systems.

These tools are an efficient technical solution to collect and process large amounts of data quickly and easily and to stay one step ahead of the competition.
If you still have questions about data integration and streaming, please write to us at any time at

March 11, 2024 in Whitepaper

Whitepaper: Holistic Supply Chain Reporting

Change and Transformation Support
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